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Yoshiko Yamaguchi

Kwassui Women’s University, Japan

Title: Affecting factors of nurses’ mental health status: a comparative cross-sectional survey


Biography: Yoshiko Yamaguchi


Nurses’ mental health status is affected by both job stress and family-related stress. Home healthcare and nursing home nurses tend to be older than hospital nurses, and therefore, nurses’ family-related stress may vary between nurses’ workplaces. This study aimed to clarify the difference in the magnitude of impacts of job stress and family-related stress on nurses' mental health status, and to identify the differences of factors affecting mental health between nurses working in hospitals, home healthcare, and nursing homes. This cross-sectional study involved nurses from hospitals, home healthcare facilities, and nursing homes in Japan. Participants responded to a questionnaire survey that measured their job- and family-related stress, as well as mental health status. Job- and family-related stress showed similar impacts for all nurses; the factor with the most effect was job demand, followed by job control. Interestingly, family-related stress showed greater impacts on mental health status among home healthcare nurses. Interventions for reducing family-related stress may be effective in improving nurses’ mental health; such interventions may be especially effective for home healthcare nurses.